Shepros Nano Silver Multipurpose Sanitizer (NSMS)
Specially formulated with ingredient which are non-foaming, non-alcohol, non-flammable and environmentally friendly.
It is made of eco-friendly, powerful Nano Silver particles and multi-component oxidising Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Ingredient which offers disinfecting and sanitizing capabilities through its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungicidal properties.
• Safe and effective multi-purpose spray
• Made with high-grade nano-particles suspension
• Vegan
• Safe for your whole family
• Bleach-free and alcohol-free
• Petrochemical free and GMO-free
• Non-Irritating to skin
Nano Silver Hand sanitiser kills a wide spectrum ofmicroorganisms those also known as microbes, germs, bacteria, fungi etc..
Reduces the risk of healthcare-acquired infectionsby helping to protect against a wide range of germs that may cause disease.
Can be used to supplement handwashing and when soapand water aren't readily available.
Once applied, kills 99% of germs and bacteria.
Face mask reuse: Spray both of the inner and outer surfaces of the face mask before and after use.
Human and pets: Spray thoroughly on the whole body and let it dry.
Household: Highly recommended for surfaces which are not sensitive to water. It can be sprayed on furniture, clothes, carpets, air conditioner filters, walls and floors.
The ratio of Nano Silver Multipurpose Sanitiser (NSMS) and water is 1 to 3. (NSMS : water = 1 : 3)
The ratio of Nano Silver Multipurpose Sanitiser (NSMS) and water is 1 to 10. (NSMS : water = 1 : 10)

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