IDE FRB Sand Media Outdoor Filtration System

IDE FRB Sand Media Outdoor Filtration System

Outdoor Sand Filter
Sand Media Lifespan
3 - 5 Years
10 Years on FRB Body 1 Year for Multi-port Valve (MPV Head)
FRB 0942, FRB 1044

IDE Outdoor Fiberglass Sand Filter

More clean water is available for all household use, including washing, showering, cooking, laundering and drinking. It also extends the life cycle of the drinking water purifier.
  • Polypropylene Inner Tank
  • Filtration water up to 10 Micron
  • Ultra Violet light and corrosion resistant for outdoor use
  • Virgin food grade materia (FDA Comliant)
  • 5 Layers Sand Media Excellent Filtration System
  • Long Lasting and Durable

There are 5 layer of sand filtration system with backwash system
Stage 1. Activated Carbon: 
While trapping the sediments, being the primary function of the carbon, it leaves 10% to 25% the chlorine in the water to give bacteria-static benefit to the water in the water tank.

Stage 2. Zeolite Plus: 
Has an unusual crystalline structure and greater absorbing power, it also removes suspended solids, soluble heavy metals and soluble ammonium.

Stage 3. Fine Gravel :
Removes dirt and prevent disease such as Typhoid, Cholera, Bihdryia and Amoeba.

Stage 4. Fine Sand :
Further trapping of very fine sediment at the surface of fine silica sand.

Stage 5. Coarse Gravel :
Underbed support, to balance the pH and increase oxygen content and restoration of water quality.



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